Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Minister for the Economy of Finances and Industry have just announced that he gave his authorization to the merging together of CANALSAT and TPS. At the end one three months period of legal and financial work, TPS will become thus a subsidiary company of Group CANAL+. This operation intervenes whereas France was the last large country European in which 2 satellite platforms of paying TV coexisted. It will be made for the benefit subscribers who will see their offer enriched with the distribution of TF1 M6 TPS Star and CANAL+ Le Bouquet on the 2 platforms, and the arrival of the HD TV.
This news is alREADY at READY2.INFO

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

SpiralFrog and Universal Music Group Partner in Advertising-Supported Legal Music Download Service in Canada and USA

SpiralFrog has signed an agreement with Universal Music Group (UMG), the world's leading music company, to make UMG's extensive catalog available for legal downloading in the US and Canada via SpiralFrog's advertising-supported service.

SpiralFrog will offer users of its no-cost web-based service the ability to legally download music by many of the world's most popular and award-winning artists.

SpiralFrog will launch in beta later this year.

SpiralFrog ( is the new online music destination offering advertising-supported legal downloads of audio and video content licensed from the catalogs of the world’s leading record labels and from independents.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Welcome back to my blog :) After an endless break, news are dramatically hot down here, so this blog will have a rebirth, in english langage please. Expect improved links with the french side of the moon : . Unfortunally I've got troubles to introduce it into the blogosphere. Mah... It is a question of time, some cleanup in the W3 meta tags, and it should be online soon. Take care.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

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