Thursday, February 27, 2003

there is a huge work in front of me : in the real world, I have to finish this hardware work on my "electro kitchen" project. Thus, in the virtual world wide web, there is a lot to come soon :

  • Dizain
  • PhpGraphy
  • Dacode *** The most important ***
    But there is enough for today.

  • wow now you can Submit a news to ... hum, we still have problems to display the main layout... keep on da good work...

    back to the hardware. today I have some special work on the hardware "electro kitchen". i have to put more than 7 electric plugs in my wall. mmm. i think i'll just design the holes today. the 404 error message you'll get on is under engineering...

    Wednesday, February 26, 2003

    READY2.FREE.FR is at the point of coming up soon...

    always exists !

    Tuesday, February 25, 2003

    Don't cry

    The READY2.INFO service was shutted down yesterday du to a new restriction from my cable ISP "noos" that blocked definitly ports 80 (web) and 25 (e-mail) and so on...

    That's why you may experience difficulties to connect to our servers --- be sure we will put the News system "dacode" on an other server within few days.

    OK it looks like we are getting severe troubles now. My Internet access provider did just filter packets on our main server READY2.INFO and I am seeking right now a safe place to host my linux box. Hey, is that liberty ? Now if I want to continue to host the server at my place I have to pay a $100 fee for a month. And $30 extra if I want an fix IP. No definitly I can't stand anymore. I am getting out of this game. I have the week to find the right solution and keep people awarned that freedom is very precious nowadays. Peace...

    Monday, February 24, 2003

    It looks like the blog is under work today (logins are not displayed)