Friday, December 23, 2005 opens to the writers, to artists, to producers and to readers a wiki enabling them to write in line original, readable and writeable scénarii. Thus an idea can be deposited in the incubator. The community will develop it according to its originality for perhaps, a day, to play it at theatre or as a movie. "Only WikiMedia offered this infinite potential of creativity to us on Internet", declares Baptiste Cadiou, on the initiative of the project which it defends from Cannes 2005. Resolutely international, the site presents an interface declined in 25 languages and no constraint is rééellement imposed on the linguistic level, although the 3 official languages are English, French and Spanish. It remains with the users to comply with the rules on the copyright and the protection of the minors to write their prose, their poetry, on the white pages of the still virgin site in these first days of winter.